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Visual Perspectives with Alicia Robinson

Episode#5: Visual Perspectives with Alicia Robinson
Host: Spriha Gupta
Premiere date: Mar 6th at 5:00 pm ET
Format: Interview followed by workshop
Duration: Approx. 31 minutes
The episode will continue to stream on Vibrnz and can be watched anytime after the premiere is over.

All funds raised in this episode will be donated to Blacklivesmatter

This episode  brings to you an interview with Alicia Robinson, Illustrator, Character designer and Storyteller, followed by a workshop by Alicia.
Alicia is a New Jersey based artist who enjoys creating fun, authentic stories and characters that inspire audiences. She loves to collaborate with other creatives to bring these narratives to life. Her work is influenced by nostalgia, pop-culture, and identity while exploring comic and playful themes.

Visual Perspectives
is an initiative by Vibrnz to help art enthusiasts and people in general develop an appreciation for visual arts. The series is hosted by Spriha Gupta, Multi-media artist based in New Jersey.

For questions or to participate, please email info@vibrnz.com

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