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Your Color Palette

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The magical canvas....

Raking tiny, pebble pieces of gravel in a zen garden echoes the peacefulness of ripples in tranquil water. Japanese gardens have an aura meant to stimulate your mind and calm you down. While some may resort to this venture as a pleasant Saturday afternoon activity, I found that my passion did not require sand, rocks, or rakes. Rather, just a few brushes and acrylics. 
I, for one, would be considered a novice in the world of art. Other than being familiar with the work of renowned artists such as Leonardo De Vinci and Claude Monet, I know almost nothing about art. I have never taken art classes outside of school (or in school for that matter). However, I always found it easy to appreciate a collector’s piece. 
Art is not an on-off switch, where you either understand it or you do not. It is a continuous and ever-flowing tap of creativity. Your product depends on the time, situation, and your environment. When I first started painting, I had no idea what I was doing. In fact, it seems as though every piece started off looking like a wild daisy field, but then eventually turned out completely different. This made me realize that with time and practice, anything is possible. Take the chance to encourage yourself to put two different colors next to each other. You will be surprised to see how a canvas full of blobs turns into something magical! My piece of advice: Do not be scared to mix two colors.

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Art blog by Shefali Awasthi, High School Sophomore
Shefali is a sophomore in high school and has an interest in coding and computer science. She enjoys spending her time painting, playing the cello, and baking.
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